Thursday, September 13, 2007

Breast Feeding Versus Bottle Feeding by Lenith Hinaloc

Breast Feeding Versus Bottle Feeding

"Malnutrition caused by poor child feeding practices claims over 10 times as many lives as actual famine," says researcher William Chandler. "Coupled with diarrheal dehydration, malnutrition is the leading killer in the world." Often, the 'poor feeding practices' begin in infancy.

Breast milk is the ideal food for most infants because it contains all the needed nutrients. It is easily and rapidly digested. It is always fresh and at the right temperature. It contains antibodies that protect and help the baby to build up resistance to infections. Breast-feeding also provides an infant with loving attention, essential to emotional development.

As women take on secular jobs, however, breast-feeding declines in many developing countries. Consequently, many African babies are fed powdered formulas. Such formulas are nutritious when correctly prepared under sanitary conditions. "In poor areas of the world, however," reported Time magazine, "that is sometimes impossible. Mothers may unknowingly mix powdered formula with contaminated water or, to save money, dilute it too much." The results can be deadly.

Queen, a Nigerian mother of seven, recalls that hospital nurses introduced her babies to bottle-feeding right from the start. Queen continued the procedure at home. However, her six children all suffered from serious and repeated diarrhea--one almost died. Her husband says: "We realized that our sixth child was being infected through the feeding bottle, so we stopped using it, and she recovered. Now Queen is breast-feeding our seventh child during its first few months."

The message? Put your baby to the breast as soon as possible! Eat a balanced diet yourself so that you can produce healthy milk. A side benefit of breast-feeding is that it tends to delay the onset of menstruation after the birth of a baby. It is thus called nature's contraceptive.

Feed Them Right!

Sometimes, though, African children are fed breast milk exclusively well into their 18th month of life. "When weaned," says William Chandler, "many children are given adult foods they cannot chew or digest, or that are unnourishing."

UNICEF's office in Côte d'Ivoire produced a poster that advises mothers: "After five months, more than the breast." Mother's milk should be supplemented by fruit, cereals, and vegetables that have been cooked and strained and that are thus soft enough to be chewed and swallowed by an infant. A Nigerian mother named Ijeoma breast-fed each of her four children during their first four months. She continued breast-feeding for up to 12 months, gradually replacing it by spoon- or bottle-fed meals of fruit juices, pap, and other preparations. She observed strict hygiene in preparing meals. The result? Her children have grown up healthy and have had few infections.

As the child grows, a balanced diet will help him stay healthy. A meal of only carbohydrates, such as yams, cassava, or polished rice, will not provide sufficient nutrition. His body also needs proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which are found in meat, eggs, milk, beans, corn, and a variety of vegetables and fruits.

Important too is how food is handled and stored. It may seem tempting to use spoilable food that has been left standing unrefrigerated for a couple of days, but DO NOT USE IT! "Contaminated food is frequently unsafe and may lead to repeated attacks of diarrhoea and other infectious diseases." Therefore, (1) wash your hands before touching or preparing foods. (2) Eat food immediately after it is cooked--don't let it stand for long at room temperature. (3) Keep your kitchen, your cooking utensils, your clothes, and yourself clean and tidy at all times.--World Health magazine.

Germs and parasites abound in polluted water. So filter or boil water before using it. Rinse eating utensils with boiling water, and wash your hands before handling food.

Indeed, perhaps the simplest health safeguard is to maintain a high standard of cleanliness. In developing lands, though, this can be a real challenge.

A survey of developing lands revealed that in Latin America, the majority of mothers want no more children. "Only in Africa did a decided minority of the women have this view."--State of the World 1985, Worldwatch Institute.

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There Is A Case For Natural Parenting by Mary Loewen

Many people see natural parenting the way God has intended humans to bring up their children, i.e. as guided by your gut feelings. Millions of children are raised this way all over the world, and they are being raised very successfully. Nevertheless, other types of parenting styles exist as well. There is guided parenting, where parents learn how to parent through books, workshops, research, journals and articles. Usually such people are walking encyclopedias on matters regarding parenting -- however, in real life; they are as puzzled by the subject as any other parent.

Every animal on this planet has parenting instincts. Look around you -- whether it is the spider, or the cat, or your pet dog or the fish in your fish -- every species have their own natural parenting methods. Human beings have their own style as well. Relying only on gut feeling can take one very far in successfully raising your children. However, there is too much information floating around in so many forms, which confuses parents and make them flounder in this basic task.

As an example, it is completely natural to breastfeed an infant. This basic parenting task usually does not require any teaching or instruction. Nowadays there are so many conflicting opinions on this basic task that it's easy for a new parent to become confused and wonder whether they are doing the right thing. This same situation exists in the areas of feeding, discipline, nutrition and others.

If you go back some 30 or 40 years you will find that natural parenting was very common and quite successful. Today when parents attend parenting workshops, make unending appointments with the pediatrician, keep researching on every aspect of bringing up children, parenting loses its charm, warmth and spontaneity.

You will find that today natural parenting has taken a back seat. Instead of relying on their instincts, today's parents tend to fret over every latest piece of research, some of which are blatant nonsense. Unfortunately, the results are not so good when natural parenting takes the back seat. Children need to be free and happy, and a growing movement is beginning to see how natural parenting can create the environment for children to naturally prosper.

It is very difficult for a natural bond to form between parent and child when the child is raised according to someone else's idea of what is proper and correct. Rather, it needs the 'I feel right about this' method of parenting. This is what natural parenting is all about, i.e. trusting your own gut feelings while making decisions about raising your children -- and that is the ways things should be.

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